Saturday, May 24, 2014

6 Things You Should Never Say During a Speech

1. “Hello? Can everyone hear me?”A lot of new speakers will tap the microphone and ask if the people in the back of the room can hear them. If you’re speaking at a large conference, there’s a good chance that someone in the audiovisual department already checked the audio. Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to check it before you go on stage. Never assume that all your equipment will work correctly. Arrive early to check everything out so you will be better prepared.
2. “Are you out there? These lights are bright.” When you’re on stage, the lights can be nearly blinding. But no one needs to know you can’t see anyone in the audience. Simply speak into the dark and give the best presentation you can. Alternate where you direct your attention to give everyone in the audience the impression you’re looking right at them. But be careful. One time during a dress rehearsal, I miscalculated the length of the stage and fell off into the front row!
3. “Well, I didn’t have much time to prepare.” Never start your presentation with an excuse like “They only invited me yesterday,” or “I’m just getting over the flu.” The people listening to your presentation are expecting you to do your best, regardless of how you feel or how much time you’ve had to prepare. If you don’t have a lot of time to practice, choose a topic that’s familiar to you. If you don’t feel well, keep calm and stay hydrated.
4. “In the future, I plan to…” If your new product is still in production, try not to tell anyone. Exciting news is worth the wait. Besides, your plans could change and anything could postpone your plans. Most new products and ideas will shift and evolve based on new information and feedback. Make a public announcement about your new designs, products and offers when they’re ready. Most people don’t want to hear about your hopes for the next five years. They only want to hear about what is available to them right now.
5. “Ummm…” Avoid filler words including “Um,” “uh,” “you know,” and “like.” Using these words too often takes away from the effectiveness and eloquence of your presentation. They are also distracting and make you sound unsure about what you’re going to say next. Try pausing if you have to think of the right word. Or tell a story. Filler words oftentimes vanish when you get involved telling a story. Besides, your audience will remember a good story long after they’ve heard you speak.
6. “Hmm, the font is small.  Let me read this slide for you.” A visual presentation full of words is dull and boring. Captivating pictures, short phrases and bullet points are ideal. Try not to read your slides to the audience. That’s what handouts are for. Everyone came to see you speak, to share your ideas, not read aloud. Any visuals or props you choose to bring along should only serve to enhance your speech. Remember, you’re the main event, not your PowerPoint presentation.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



 “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I've seen better days,but I've also seen worse.

I don't have everything that I want,but I do have all i need.

I woke up with some aches and pains,but I woke up.

My life may not be perfect but I am blessed.

Sunday, May 18, 2014



I Love being sick! Sleep all day, do nothing, watch movies, what else can a man want? Today I watched "Munna bhai MBBS", "The Nootbook", and "Indecent Purposal" in that order. . I don't know what the method to my madness was but I really enjoyed al three. 'It is healthy to be sick sometimes.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


 TO be honest i am little confuse NO,NO, NO, i am not wandering trust me . First thing you need to know about me is MY GOOD NAME, where from i came & what am doing here ... right ???
O come on u know that things  :D ok ok ok ok ok i know it was not funny, ok smile o come onnnnn just SMILE ::)  Yeh thats like a good  FRIEND. ;)   Ok now serious  ok?                                                        LOOK   I am crazy nd little strange . Don't laugh at me . i am serious dear , LOLx do not ask me that, if i am crazy than how i can be serious. I think i am crazy about everything like about my LIFE , about my FAMILY             about my FRIENDS, about my LOVE even about my FUTURE .

Ever  u listen these lines ?

                                    ''THE WORLD CAN BE CHANGE WHEN                                      YOU ARE SLIGHTLY STRANGE''

Yes it is reality and i believe on these fabulous lines & i know i am strange too.Now the question is what is stranger , someone who you have not met before or do not know or 
a person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance.Yes you are right but the reality is i am strange not only to others even to myself . Strange to others means my behavior to others.Did't means my behavior to others is not good but slightly odd.

I am
little bit silent person, listen am not saying that , people saying that about me lol.The people who do not know me much. the people like my & uni fellows , like my neighbors and a alot others even if am meeting with them daily.That's why they call me boring, proudy bla bla , but i never mind because i know i am not so. But often i enjoy that things, when someone comes to me and  asking ''hey why u so silent'' other comes and asking 'hey any problem'' and saying 'come on chill man' ''why u so boring' bla bla .On the other hand if i am sitting with my best best friends then,

I am big talker . huh u can't emagine really ,when i am sitting with my best friends (i love my friends) and we talking about something then i can't stop from speaking , on that time they got mad on me :D and every one saying''heyyyyyyy enough please stop ,,
i  love to tease them ;) i love to fight(love)  with them , love to argu . Thats y i said i am strange , crazy :) If u wanna know me u have to spend a group ov years with me ,you have to share everything with me ,and the most important thing is you have to pay attention to what i say, what i do , and how i makes you feel and you'll know the truth.:)

There is lot more to tell you about me but i can't now .. because i am sleepy now lol .So keep in toch see u :). In the end the important thing is you need to know is ''

“You can love somebody without it being like that. You keep them a stranger, a stranger who's a friend.”


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Demonstration of Craze

Listen Me:

''Its not about LOSE or WIN....

 Its about, how you play...
 Either its GAME or LIFE''                   

                       Tariq Chand